I don’t know why, but I’ve loved maps ever since we started
studying geography when I was in elementary school. I loved to copy maps I
found interesting. Cartography, in fact, is another potential career I considered
pursuing in addition to archaeology, art, interior design, and anything
involving gardening or craft work.
It would be impossible to set the stage for the action in
this series without accurate maps, and of course I use them extensively in my
research. Below are a number of links to excellent online resources for
historical maps that I’ve chanced upon. In addition to the Americans, both the
English and French commissioned maps of the known areas of the North American
continent and the action during the Revolution, and there are excellent
collections of accurate maps online. I can spend hours studying them if I let
myself. If you haven’t already run across these resources, I hope you find some
of them useful in researching your own projects!
Library of Congress: http://www.loc.gov/rr/geogmap/guides.html
David Rumsey Map Collection: http://www.davidrumsey.com/index.html
Old Maps Online: http://www.oldmapsonline.org/#bbox=-75.421967,39.815342,-74.90973,40.089054&q=&datefrom=1000&dateto=2010
University of Texas Library: http://lib.utexas.edu/maps/historical/index.html
World of Historic Maps (maps for purchase): http://www.history-map.com/